Monday, May 10, 2010


Alas, I'm not the best at keeping up with this "blog posting on a daily basis" business. Thus, I present you with three updates from this list I've been ever so vigilant about in one day! Everybody wins!

Day 04 - Your favorite book

As sad as this is, it is very rare that I actually read a book. I love to read and I enjoy sitting down with an interesting book, but I simply almost never get around to it. I know that nobody is to blame for this except for yours truly, but something that always makes us feel better as human beings is placing the fault on something else. (Insert some nonsense excuse about busy schedules and modern day society, throw in a peppering of the media destroying our minds and maybe a couple pictures of Miley Cyrus in her bra with appropriate "OMG SHE'S A CHILD" captions).

The last book I read that I really, really loved was Disco Bloodbath. Well, actually, the version I read was renamed after the film adaptation Party Monster, complete with pictures of the cast on the front cover. However, I much prefer the original cover/title. Unfortunately, actually getting my hands on an original copy would cost me an arm, leg and/or firstborn child, and I'd say maybe one of those is worth trading, tops. Disco Bloodbath is a firsthand account of the rise and fall of the notoriously self-centered, narcissistic and vain Michael Alig, the self-proclaimed king of New York City's Club Kids. It's a ridiculous true tale of transvestites, parties, drugs, sexual promiscuity, drugs, a now legendarily grisly murder, drugs, clubs, drugs, drama and drugs. I may have forgotten to mention the fact that these people did drugs, with their choice of poison being Special K, which, by my understanding, is a pretty nasty beast. It's penned by Alig's old and sometimes closest friend (the term "frenemy" may apply here), James St. James, who is at times witty, heart-wrenching, and nearly as easy to despise as Alig himself. I'd recommend it.

Day 05 - Your Favorite Quote

I feel like nearly all of these posts need to start with a disclaimer. "Note - I don't have a 100% favorite _____. Here's something I like!" That's how this little project is turning out. Suffice it to say, I don't really have a favorite quote of all time. I'm not one of those people with a million ~inspirational~ quotes haphazardly piled onto my Facebook page. The only quote I can think of that recently stuck with me as remotely noteworthy was one that actually immediately reminded me of a famous Kurt Cobain quote, "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not." The quote I'm about to throw at you, however, is by the legendary Miss Britney Spears. So there's that to weigh in.

"I don't want to be the kind of person that people want me to be. I want to be the kind of person that I want to be." - The Holy Spearit

No, this quote isn't life changing or anything, as it basically boils down to "be yourself," which is a lesson I learned from Aladdin when I was 4. However, I like Britney. So there's that.

Day 06 - Whatever tickles your fancy


  1. 1) That video is the cutest thing I've ever seen!!

    2) You're so witty!! I love it :)

  2. Oh I know, right? I just DIE watching it. Awwwwwwwh!

    And thank you, I try. :)
